Friday, September 21, 2012

La Ropa (clothing) practice links

7th Grade La Ropa practice links

BEGIN WITH FIRST LINK, as they get MORE DIFFICULT as you go down the list.

La Ropa Hangman

La Ropa Flashcards

La Ropa Quiz

Jeopardía (ropa)

Jeopardy: Use resources around room for body parts and seasons to help!


Adjective in Spanish must match gender (male/female) and number (singular/plural)
They usually come right after the noun

For example:

The red shirt= La camisa roja
The blue pants= Los pantalones azules

Monday, September 10, 2012

6th Grade Extra Crédito

6th Grade Language Lab Due Wedneday (miércoles)
Extra Crédito:
Answer the following question below in at least two sentences: 

¿Qué tiempo hace? 

If you can not post for some reason, turn in answer before miércoles on a sheet of papel. :) 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

8th Grade Chapter 1 Study Links

Begin with the top link and continue downward to complete your group review for the examén. The games are more challenging the further down you go. If a word is unknown, please use "iTranslate" app on iPad or google translate for help. It NEVER hurts to learn new words! :) If a game is not working, simply skip and move on to the next one in the list. 

Rags to Riches (Who Wants to be a Millionaire?) Review
Word Jumble (Practice your spelling!)
Digital Flashcards