Thursday, August 23, 2012

Language Lab Extra Credit Opportunity!

7th GRADE EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY (due Tuesday-- same day as language lab)
Please describe yourself in three complete sentences using words from your new vocabulary list. Star with "Soy" or "No Soy" and add the adjective after. ¡Three correct sentences= 3 puntos extra crédito! :o)

8th GRADE EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY (due Tuesday-- same day as language lab!) 
Post below as a response to this message 3 foods you like in complete sentences in Spanish. Use your vocabulary for a start, and look up any of your favorite foods that you do not know in Spanish. ¡Three correct sentences= 3 puntos extra crédito! :o)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hola y Bienvenidos

Hola, clases.... I can't wait to start the new quarter! Stay tuned for info and assignments..... :o)