Friday, July 27, 2012

New Additions to my Classroom: Coming August 2012

A few "sneak peeks" at new classroom displays and additions for the 2012-2013 school year include a Spanish movie poster bulletin board, "Verbos Enojados" (Angry Verbs), and Brain Breaks for the classroom!

Visit my TpT store for some supplies, others are coming soon!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

TODA ACERCA DE MÍ (All About Me) Back to School Survey 

New item soon to be added to my TpT store, a beginning of the year Spanish/English questionnaire for my students. Answers to the questions on the survey reveal a lot about a student, especially when I only have 9 weeks with each student before they rotate on to another exploratory or "encore" class.

If link is, for some reason, not working, click on my "tPt" store link under "PAGES."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Something new we will be doing this next year are random "brain breaks" throughout the class period. I have done an informal version of this in the past, but want to add more movement and maximize all students learning potential. I, like the students, know it is hard to sit still for 45 minutes straight!

Here is a link to the brain break activities, or "descansos del cerebro," that we will be doing. More will be added throughout the school year, hopefully with the input of students! Brain Breaks for the Spanish Classroom.

~Señora Baier